Sunday Summary // 08.04.2018

08 April 2018

Sunday Summary
Guys, its been like three weeks! What’s happening? What have I missed? Have I missed about a million posts by you? Yeah, I need to play catch up (again) even though I briefly caught up on my blog reading, I then fell behind again.

I wish I could say I’ve been doing lots of fun interesting things while I’ve not been giving you life updates (although, did you notice I’ve managed to get some review up? Oh yeah, I’m impressed with myself for that one) but I would be lying if I said anything fun had happened. I mean, I’ve done fun stuff but nothing newsworthy really. Mostly just seeing friends and continuing with the epic clear out at my nan’s house. We’re approaching a final sale date and it’s stressful because what do you even do with half that stuff? And what do you do with old wind up pendulum clocks? Like, stuff, it needs to go somewhere but we have reached our limit for it. Anyway, that’s basically been my time away.

Oh, and there has been a DIY project. I had some floating shelves put up in my room for more book storage space. That only happened yesterday so I’ve yet to properly organising them for true book storage. Right now they’re just housing stuff so it no longer sits on my floor. I don’t have any bookends to properly keep books up there so it is a mess and I won’t show you a picture (hopefully by next weekend I’ll have sorted things out).

Basically, while I’ve been gone I’ve been my most boring. I can’t even think of a funny story to tell you guys! No, I take that back. I was merrily walking my dog the other day, just a short walk while it wasn’t raining outside (because we’ve moved on from snow to rain at least!) and I was walking past a dead end turning where a bunch of cars park when my dog spotted a cat. I could see a full on staring contest developing so I gave my dogs lead a tug and called him on, he started walking (yay) but still kept his eyes on the cat. I saw what was going to happen before it did and tried to pull my dog over as he was in the path of a parked car but the appeal of a cat and winning a staring contest was too strong and my dog full on walked into a parked car. It was quite funny because he wasn’t hurt but what dog walks into a car? The car alarm didn’t go off luckily so we walked on and that cat got the pleasure of knowing he made my dog walk into a car.

It’s bad that’s the funniest thing I can think of from the past few weeks. And I’ve not even read all that many books either. I feel like a bit of a letdown guys, but I’m determined to have two or three posts up on the blog a week so yay.

What I’ve Been Reading

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo8435270Slouch WitchStar WitchSpirit WitchPrintThis Adventure EndsWords in Deep BlueTo Kill a Kingdom
I have done a decent amount of reading, but I do wish I’d have read more. I am still currently reading both Spirit Witch and To Kill A Kingdom, but I’m including up there anyway.

I think my favourite reads of the past few weeks were The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, This Adventure Ends and Words in Deep Blue. All YA< maybe it’s a sign I need to read a bit more of that… or maybe it’s just because they are all really good books.

New To Me

The King of Bones and AshesHis Perfect PartnerDiary of an Accidental WallflowerStar WitchSpirit WitchTrue FictionThe Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
I’ve been pretty good all things considered. At least, book buying-wise I’ve been good. All these books were bought cheap or as part of a sale and I’ve even read a couple of them. All things considered, that isn’t half bad if I do say so myself. I actually haven’t fancied buying all that many books, I do have a couple I’ve eyed up in Kindle sales that might get bought but I am trying to focus on what I already have if I can.
A Family RecipeLegendaryThe Queens of Innis LearSong of Blood & StoneAbsent in the Spring
I haven’t been so great with ARCs, though. I got sent one book in the post (and I am totally excited about it) but the rest are of my own choosing so I am once more falling way behind on ARC reading. My bad, I’ll get there. I guess it’s a bit of a weird mix of books but that’s how I roll so I’m cool with that. Tell me if you think there’s one of these books I should prioritise over the rest just so I know which ARCs I should speed through to read.

How have things been in my absence? How was your week? And what have you been reading?
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