Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get

18 November 2014

It’s like the Broke and the Bookish know how much I love me a good series, even when I’m not aware I’m starting a series, which happens a lot. I’ve tried to think of a variety of different series, and I’ve tried to stick with series where the next book is due out in the next six months (or has already been released and I’ve not gotten around to buying it yet.

1. End of Days – Susan EE

I need the third book in this series. I read the first two books so quickly and enjoyed them a lot, way more than I expected so I was disappointed to learn the third book wasn’t out for a good long while.

2. Remembrance (The Mediator) – Meg Cabot

I only learnt this book was being released a few days ago, but I am so damn excited. I mentioned before that me and one of my best friends first bonded over our love for this book so the excitement of learning about it’s release knows no bounds. We will buy it on the day it is released and devour it as quickly as possible then we will sit and talk about it until something else grabs our attention. Is it 2015 yet?

3. The Mime Order – Samantha Shannon

I am so excited about this book, I’ve been excited about it ever since I finished The Bone Season so I obviously have this on pre-order, I was so annoyed that it didn’t get released at the end of September or whatever the original release date was, it got pushed back. I still have it on pre-order but I am so damn impatient when it comes to waiting for books.

4. Lair of Dreams – Libba Bray

I previously said I wasn’t too sure about The Diviners, but I managed to power through and properly got into it. It was cool and interesting and completely different to anything else I had read at the time. I’m not too sure what’s going to happen in the next book, sometimes you get hints about what the next book is going to be about, this one did not give off too many clues. It was left very open ended. Whenever this comes out though, I will be there buying it, even though I hate the new covers for the book.

5. Perfect Couple - Jennifer Echols

So, I loved the first in the Superlatives series, Biggest Flirts. Sure, it wasn’t as good as some of Echols other books, but I enjoyed it all the same. As such, I’m pretty psyched for the next book to come out, sure the books seem predictable, but there is something wonderful about Echols’s writing that will always make me want the next book, and the idea of this series is very fun.

6. Shadow Scale – Rachel Hartman

I’ve got a confession to make, although I only read Seraphina a little while ago, I properly can’t remember what happened. I am terrible with having book amnesia when it comes to books in a series, so I’m always having to reread them when a new book is released. No doubt this will be the same, but I know I’m excited for this book. I’m excited for what comes next, even if I can’t remember what happened in the last book.

7. Chaos – Sarah Fine

Because this series of books really surprised me. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did, I bought it because it sounded vaguely interesting and was on offer on my kindle. Then I found myself really enjoying it so that cliffhanger at the end of the second book pissed me off to no end. I’m telling you, cliffhangers are the worst when you reading an ongoing series.

8. Strange And Ever After – Susan Dennard

I have been meaning to get this book for ages, like actually though. I loved the first two books, even thought zombies aren’t really my thing. I found the entire take in this book to be pretty unique, and the writing was really good. I can’t believe I haven’t bought this book yet.

9. Mr Kiss And Tell – Rob Thomas & Jennifer Graham

I’m going to be honest, I haven’t read the first Veronica Mars book, but I’m still excited about this book because Veronica Mars. When this book comes out I will buy it, it’s another book I need to buy.

10. The Perilous Sea – Sherry Thomas

I think there is a theme going on here. I like fantasy novels and they all seem to be a part of series, but anyway. I Loved The Burning Sky, even though it took me a while to get into it, and so when I get around to buying this book, I hope to read it and love it in the same way.
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